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Nixon Manual 11

카테고리 없음

by nalhusodif1974 2020. 2. 17. 16:03


  1. Nixon Manual 11 Edition
  2. Nixon Manual 11
  3. Nixon Manual Ii Watch

Metempyrion offers the Vivaxis article as investigative research into becoming more attuned and aligned with the physical body and the planet earth. This system has proven effective for many people.Vivaxisby M.

Nixon Manual 11Nixon Manual 11

Nixon Manual 11 Edition

Carol AssaFrances Nixon, a Canadian researcher in magnetic phenomena, made many astounding, scientificdiscoveries during her years of research. Most of her discoveries were regularly shared, tested,and validated by William Tiller and other leading physicists and scientists at Stanford University,yet these revolutionary findings still have received little public recognition.To carry out her research, she founded the Vivaxis Energies Research International Society(VERIS) in the 1970’s that thrived with many chapters in Canada, California and Australia untilits dissolution in 2001. During that thirty-year period, thousands of students came to study withher. Many people with debilitating illnesses, who had been abandoned by orthodox medicine,came to her classes and were completely cured by reconnecting to their Vivaxis.Her most profound discovery was that all life has a unique, magnetic two-way energy flow to thegeophysical spot on earth where it is born.

At this spot, a spherical wave field of revolvingmagnetic energy is permanently created at birth, even after the originating source is removed.(This means one stays connected to this energy sphere for life, no matter where one moves onEarth). She named this energetic sphere “Vivaxis.” Viva is Latin for life and axis is a central lineabout which a body rotates. 1The radiation energies of the Earth form a massive network of energy waves traveling in bothhorizontal and vertical directions. When a fetus is subjected to these energy waves or currents, itpulls the horizontal and vertical energies into a common axis or point. The fetus then becomesmagnetized to that exact geophysical point and a permanent magnetic pattern or alignment isintroduced into the atomic structure of the bones as they solidify. It is thought that the baby’svivaxis is generally created about the time of the mother’s first labor pains and is approximatelythe size of the fetus just prior to birth. This same dynamic is replayed throughout all creation.

2Your Vivaxis can be regarded as your own personal generator, located permanently in the energyfield into which you are born. Through the common origins and the atomic character of theradiations introduced into your skeletal system at the time of your birth, your central nervoussystem is also tuned into the same wavelength as your magnetically charged Vivaxis. 3It is a two way energetic duplicate of yourself, recording all the changes that take place in yoursystems: physically, emotionally and mentally. It is like an energy exchange and balancing agentreceiving and collecting energies pulsating from the elements deep within the earth as well ascosmic influences. It is believed that a disturbed Vivaxis connection can make an individual ill,but restored and vibrant, the connection can keep a person healthy. Nixon’s discovery of thisphenomenon is revolutionary and explains many mysteries such as bird migration because thesame dynamics apply to all creation. The diagram shows two bands of oriented Vivaxis energies.

One band has Vivaxis oriented energy waves with frequenciesthat correspond to those of the elements that comprise the person's GRAVITATIONAL groups. The other band has Vivaxis oriented energy waves with frequenciesthat correspond to those of the elements that comprise the persons MAGNETIC groups. In the event the person is located on ground lower than the elevation of his Vivaxis, then the inner band will be thefrequencies of the magnetic groups and the outer the frequencies of the gravitational groups.

If he moves up to an elevation higher than the elevation of his Vivaxis, then the two bands in his aura automatically reverse their positions. The magnetic becomes the outer band, and the gravitational the inner band. The INFORMATION AREA is located between the two Vivaxis bands. This area has a suitable medium for recording information relative to the energy responses of ones basic elements and the effect of the environment upon them.The recording hand is held in this area of the aura.Nixon found locating and linking into one’s two-way vivaxis wave train tobe easy and rewarding. Before 'channeling' (her term for getting inalignment with your Vivaxis) it is best to neutralize your energies.When doing any neutralizing exercise, it is important to be away fromother people because the energy disorder that you are giving off isdetrimental to anyone around you.

Nixon Manual 11

Nixon manual 11

Nixon Manual Ii Watch

Vivaxis Manual Part 4 —1975 by Frances NixonThere is a continual two-way flow of energy between our Vivaxis and us. The energies flow towards us from our Vivaxis into ourleft hand and foot and back outward to our Vivaxis via our right hand and foot. Theenergies flowing towards us from our Vivaxis flow in a vertical direction up or down inaltitude until reaching our present level of elevation and then they flow in a horizontaldirection until reaching our receiving foot and hand. If you are standing above the altitude ofyour Vivaxis, you will receive these magnetic energies through your left forefinger. If you arestanding below your Vivaxis, you will receive the energies through your left ring finger.The energies flow back from your right hand.

The discovery of these horizontal and verticalenergy flows by Nixon helped to prove the human body is electromagnetic in nature.